Village Agents

Village agents are your on-the-ground contacts

Village Agents

If you live in a community served by Grant Aviation, you can contact your agent to make a reservation or check the status of your flight. If you can't reach your agent or need more information, call our Reservations Office at 888-359-4726.

Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Agents (Bethel & Emmonak)

Alakanuk (AUK): 

Atmautluak (ATT): Luke Frye, 907-545-9571, VHF 72

Chevak (VAK): Nathan Lake, 907-858-4186, VHF 72

Chefornak (CYF): George Wassillie, 907-764-5305, VHF 11

Eek (EEK): Aaron Alexie, 907-536-2023, VHF 68

Hooper Bay (HPB): Marvin Lake, 907-758-2843, VHF 68

Kasigluk (KUK): Travis Berlin, 907-744-2562, VHF 18

Kipnuk (KPN): James Amik, 907-896-2835, VHF 19

Kongiganak (KKH): Jimmie David, 907-557-2340, VHF 8

Kotlik (KOT): Neil Beans, 907-899-2737, VHF 68

Kwigillingok (KWK): Michale David, 907-588-2205, VHF 6

Marshall (MLL): Tyrone Peter, 907-549-2107, VHF 68

Mekoryuk (MYU): Albert Williams, 907-827-2091, VHF 5

Mountain Village (MOU): Paul Brown, 907-545-2738, VHF 68

Newtok (WWT): Jonah Ayuluk, 907-858-2653, VHF 23

Nightmute (NME): Albert Olick, 907-764-4369, VHF 68

Nunapitchuk (NUP): Chuck Parks, 907-545-5395, VHF 14

Nunam Iqua (SXP): Paul Manumik Jr., 907-899-2682, VHF 68

Quinhagak (KWN): Sarah Brown, 907-310-0564, VHF 12

Scammon Bay (SCM): Peter Wasslie, 907-558-6020, VHF 68

St. Mary's (KSM): Luke Tunutmak, 907-558-6013, VHF 68

Tooksook Bay (OOK): Francis Sipary, 907-427-2016, VHF 12

Tuntutuliak (WTL): Marvin McIntyre, 907-256-6075, VHF 11

Tununak (TNK): Andrew Usugan, 907-652-2541, VHF 14

Bristol Bay Agents (Dillingham & King Salmon)

Chignik Bay (KCG): Ilane/Guy Ashby, 907-717-3842, VHF 6

Chignik Lagoon (KCL): Sam/John Jones, 907-717-4897, VHF 6

Chignik Lake (KCQ): Johnny Lind, 907-845-4050, VHF 6

Clarks Point (CLP): Brandon Walker, 907-512-9434, VHF 11

Egegik (EGX): 

Igugig (IGG): IGG Village Council, 907-533-3211

Levelock (KLL): Ray Apokedak, 907-287-6019, VHF 14

Manakotak (KMO): M&L Trading, 907-289-6651, VHF 68

Perryville (KPV): Curt Kosbruk, 907-853-4014, VHF 6

Pilot Point (PIP): Al Evanoff, 907-444-1628

Port Heiden (PTH): Derek/Billie Schraffenberger 907-444-9260

South Naknek (WSN): Jake Mack, 907-631-8689, VHF 18

Togiak (TOG): Alvaro/Cindy Sutton, 907-493-2093, VHF 68

Twin Hills (TWA): Thomas Demoski, 907-493-2246, VHF 68

Ugashik (UGB): Tim Enright, 907-797-2234

Aleutian Chain Agents (Dutch Harbor & Cold Bay)

Akun (7AK): Akutan Airport Link, 907-310-0081 (Reservations: 907-274-7555)

Atka (AKB): City of Atka/Sarah Golodoff, 907-839-2270

False Pass (KFP): Ruth Hoblet, 907-548-4014, VHF 122.9

King Cove (KVC): Jeff Walker, 907-497-7001, VHF 122.9

Nelson Lagoon (NLG): Elvis Johnson, 907-989-4095

Nikolski (ILO): Nikolski Council/Tanya Lestenkof, 907-576-2246

Port Moller (PML): George Suitor, 907-375-2704

St. George (STG): Jessie Lekanoff, 907-859-2425

St. Paul (SNP): Stacy, 907-444-6115

To contact an agent, call us at 888-Fly-Grant or 888-359-4726

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